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Woods Wiccan Wonders
Team Colours: Purple, Silver & Black
Coach: Natelie W

   After several seasons of savagely skirmishing and silent stabbing (on multiple occasions no less!), a series of Slashakova sisters serenely made their way through several severed opponents including a sojourn in to a Cup competition in which they sadly succumbed to Nuffle's whim, losing on penalties after Extra Time. 

   During this time, crewmates like Lucien Longstaff lasted long enough to elevate themselves to Legendary status and launch their career as a money-loving, larcenistic mercenary (in all honesty, we just couldn't afford him any more!) whilst fellow lemnian Blitzers, Lewis and Larente were left to hold the torch aloft, lighting the way for the team in the season to come. 

   Assassin, Anna Andovskova's anxiety at the Blitzers' ascension caused her to adamantly insist she be trained as a Blitzer, acquiring appropriate skills as a result while the Runner, Ralph Racine, rampaged around the pitch, ramming passes down receivers throats, realising his full potential, rising above his rivals. 

   The Line-elves, battered and bruised, bashed their way as best they could through the barbaric opposition, burying many a team-mate bereftly, before Bobbi Blagskova survived to bravely boot the ball in to the challenge to come. Who needs Amazons anyway?  

Special Rules: Elven Kingdoms

Season 8 Player Achievements - League Only!!!

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