This page is a record of all player stats for the current season. For previous seasons, see the relevant Archive under the 'More' tab. At the bottom of this page is a table showing those players that have achieved Star Player Status along with their stats and achievements and whether they are still active, retired, Dead or have joined the ranks of Mercenaries for hire!
Click on the ABBL image to the right to see the Hall of Fame listing all the players that have achieved awards in the ABBL from Season One onwards.
Hall of Fame
Touchdowns Scored: only add players with 2 or more TD's
Casualties Caused: Individual records for top casualty causers - includes injuries AND deaths. Any apo or regen saves still count (basically if you earn 2 SPPs you get a point on here). Secret weapons still count, mostly for fluff purposes, even if no SPPs are earnt - ONLY ADD PLAYERS WITH 2 OR MORE CAS's
Passing Completions Made: Accurate passes of the ball successfully caught by a team-mate. Only add players with 3 or more COMP's
Throwing Completions Made: Superb Throws where the thrown player has landed successfully
Deflections Made: Including deflected Bombs
Interceptions Made: Successfully converted Deflections, including intercepted Bombs
Kills: player - killed must be 'dead' at the end of the game (any apo saves or regens count to 'bruiser' stats). Secret weapons count, even if no SPP are earnt.
Dirtiest Bastard - Most injuries inflicted by fouling. If they're on the floor when you kick em and they end up in the injury box, it counts for this. Only for fun - no awards for this!
Current Stars - Must have at least 4 Advancements