Da Gobsnaperz
Race: Orc
Coach: Sam E
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Ask Gobsnaperz fans about last season and you will get various answers. For some it was an awful season with only an unexpectedly (by everyone) deep cup run saving it from being a total disaster. Others will say it was a roaring success with the team reaching new heights of carnage and brutality. But now Gobsnaper's worst fears are coming true: his players are getting smarter. With most of his stars getting themselves agents sacrificial cuts had to be made such as last
season's best passer Fazorg, dependable blitzer Azzgrom and solid Lineman Luggo. The boss knows this may be his last chance to succeed before having to rebuild but for now the team is packed with veterans, ready to improve on last year's performance and most importantly: "Break sum jawz!".
Special Rules: Badlands Brawl
Season 8 Player Achievements - League Only!!!